Nina Isabelle
REMARKABLE NEW LOCATIONS is a series of interactive art objects inspired by Nye Ffarrabas’s poetry and produced by Nina Isabelle using a car as a printing press. This exhibition, May to July 2019, at CX Silver Gallery Brattleboro VT, was a collaboration between Nina Isabelle and Nye Ffarrabas. Nina’s print objects are interactive as they invite the viewer to engage in marking and remaking the dry erase surface as a way to facilitate perceptions of process, language, and action. The exhibition environment prompted the question of the viewer, how do we experience process and make meaning? The opening reception in May included a forum-discussion-Q&A with the artists. Nina explores art objects that are the result of shared languages of processes and processes of languages.The exhibition explores Nina’s concept of the exhibition space as interactive sculpture
The printing process involved inking each plate individually and pressing it into each sheet by driving a car over it to emboss the plate image into the saturated paper. Each piece was rolled over ten times with a car revealing various degrees of chance in the imagery. The original monoprint plate was produced using hand-etched plexiglass. Using black printmaking ink on 100% cotton 22×30 Arches 88 printmaking paper, the prints were individually processed, then hand painted using ink, gouache, and acrylic paint to highlight and color code the vowels using purple As, yellow Es, orange Is, blue Os, and green Us. The final layer is a hand cut transparent material affixed to the image surface machine stitched with orange thread.